Opening Exhibition - Talia Ryan "Self and Sustenance"
الجمعة، 06 ديسمبر
|PAUSA art house

الوقت والموقع
06 ديسمبر 2019، 5:00 م – 7:00 م
PAUSA art house, 19 Wadsworth St, Buffalo, NY 14201, USA
نبذة عن الحدث
Art Opening Exhibition
Talia Ryan, a Buffalo-born and Buffalo-based painter and printmaker, has been developing her craft
at Nazareth College for the past five years, where she exhibited her work annually and completed a
masters in art education. Upon achieving certification in her field, she threw herself back into the
arms of the Queen City as quickly as possible, returning to the place that had continued to exert an
influence over her work in the years she was away. Talia continues to focus her studio practice on
traditional printmaking techniques, ranging from relief to intaglio. She also dedicates time to work
in other media, including oils, pottery, metals, and fibers, as well as film photography. Her teaching
practice centers on the high school students of Buffalo Academy of Science. Follow her studio work
at @talia.ryan.art.
Show Statement
Talia’s work in printmaking primarily explores devotion and worship, sustenance and spiritualism,
and the interiority of female experience. The work in this show, “Self and Sustenance,” takes cues
from myth and internal reflection, architectural ruins, and the artists of the Vienna Secession. Mixed
in with fantastic imagery are a lively selection of more outward-looking prints taking their subject
matter from the artist's hometown of Buffalo and the people who color her life there.